06 abril 2009


Hi! this is me, expressing all hat have been happening to me lately.

Right now I really don't know what to do with myself. When I was a little child I used to be a responsible girl but now I've become a very lazy grownup girl.
I had done everything I said that I'd not do when I became a teenager. Thinking of my present makes me burst into laugh.
Do you know how is feels when you're working so hard but everythings boded bad?. Sometimes this happened to me, to everybody Because we're no supermen or wonderwomen.
I feel like I haven't done nothing that I was expected to do today such as study english. I'm very ashamed of my behaviour, becuase I still haven't study unit two of use of english but I don't want to do it.
A part of me know that is important but in the other hand I don't have the strenght to studying anymore but in one way or another I know that I'll study becuase I don't want to not feel proud of myself.

Today I've been chatting with an old friend. Maybe today he doesn't belive that I'm still his friend.While I was remembering our friendship and how beatiful used to be I broke down. Nobody understand and neither I, the way i feel about santiago. I used to loathe my feelings, but now I know that is unhealthy. I love him not in a friedly way or like woman loves a man nor like a brotherly way. I don't know really. Somedays I miss him. I don't why he says that he loves me, I have a big mouth, I'm not pretty, I'm always in trouble and he still thinking of me like a bright spark person. Could you belive it? becuase I couldn't. Why life has to be so confussing?
If only I coulde love him the way he loves me, everything would be perfect but no. I love a stupid shiny volvo owner that don't exist. I've been having this littel problem since august and I've not found any solution yet. The main problem is that her sister who used to be my best firend hates me and I love her. I've made one mistake but why don't she figured out that people are not perfect?. I hope that one day she could understand me and forgive me. May be I'd have to apologise for doing that again, that would be great if she listened to me.

05 abril 2009

No me extrañes aca estoy.

He pasado muchas cosas en mi vida... pero hasta el dia de hoy nunca senti tanto miedo, este año es un año de desafios, de superarme a mi misma y de terminar de encontrar a la mujer que hay en mi... No puedo dejar de sentirme asustada, hasata el dia de hoy siento que no hago nada por cumplir la meta que em impuse. Estoy terriblemente asustada de no poder lograrlo, de no poder ser quien quiero ser, de no poder disfrutar el camino... Si tengo miedo, porque se que va ser muy duro, porque me imagino alla y se que me va costar mucho... Ahora no voy a bajar los brazos, creo que pàrte de mi vida em preparo para luchar, porque a partir de ahora se viene la verdadera lucha. Pienso dejar testimonio aca y pienso usar este espacio que tengo y que nadie lee, pero es un espacio donde me siento yo porque tiene miles de cosas mias... Porque es mio...
Asi que vuelvo, a escribir a partir de ahora adueñandome de un idioma extranjero para escribir... Los dias, de lucha y caidas hasta cumplir mi sueño: Escribir para las personas entretenerlas con mi lectura y poder dejarles un poco de mi... Obvio sin contar mi viaje y establecimiento en Londres, Inglaterra....
A luchar se ha dicho...
Cada dia se descubre algo nuevo...